These rules were adopted at the Business Meeting at the TABLEAUX Conference in St. Andrews, July 6, 2000, and amended by email vote in January 2005 and by vote at the Business Meeting at TABLEAUX 2019.
- The TABLEAUX Steering Committee (TSC) consists of six elected members and the Conference and Program Chair(s) of the current and the previous Conference. The elected members serve for three year terms. The TSC may decide to introduce for its elected members overlapping terms not all ending at the same time.
- The responsibilities and obligations of the TSC consist of
- Select venues for future TABLEAUX Conferences
- Select program and conference chairs for future TABLEAUX Conferences. Program and conference chair may be the same person.
- Make decisions concerning the future of the TABLEAUX Conference series
- Call a business meeting at each TABLEAUX Conference. At the meeting the President shall report on the activities of the TSC during the previous year and put controversial issues to a vote.
- Initiate elections
- The TSC appoints among its members a President and Vice President to conduct its duties and represent the TSC.
- The members of the TSC will be elected by the TABLEAUX community. Votes may be cast by e-mail or online as determined and communicated by the TSC. The TABLEAUX community consists of all people that have been registered participants in at least one of the 3 most recent TABLEAUX Conferences and all members of the current Program Committee. Nominations can be made by any member of the community, either by e-mail or in person at a TABLEAUX business meeting. Two members, a principal nominator and a second, are required to make a nomination, and it is their responsibility to ask people’s permission before nominating them. A member may nominate or second only one candidate.
- Transitional path. The first TSC will be elected at the business meeting during the TABLEAUX Conference at St Andrews, 2000, by the members of the TABLEAUX community then present.